'Supper Club' by Jackie Morrow is a heartwarming graphic novel that explores the power of friendship, food, and the complexities of growing up. At its core, it's a sweet coming-of-age story that revolves around a group of seniors who find solace and connection through their shared love of food. This unlikely supper club becomes a place where they not only bond but also confront their personal struggles.

This book evokes a wide range of emotions. The warm feelings associated with gathering around a table of food with loved ones had me feeling very nostalgic. At the same time, the story isn't afraid to explore sometimes difficult issues like anxiety, grief, and toxic relationships. I felt empathy as the teenagers confronted their personal challenges.

The book boasts a quick and engaging pace, making it an easy and enjoyable read and the characters in "Supper Club" are incredibly lovable and diverse, each bringing their own unique perspective to the story. While the characters had depth, I couldn't help but wish for a bit more exploration of each character's journey. Delving a little deeper into their individual stories could have added even more richness to the narrative. Additionally, a bit more focus on the role of food in bringing people together, perhaps through a few extra illustrated panels of the supper club meetings, would have enhanced the story's overall impact.

One of the standout features of the book is its subtle nods to culture, tradition, and the powerful role of food in bringing people together. The illustrations beautifully complement the narrative, evoking a sense of community and warmth. It's a delightful story that I could easily envision as a binge-worthy Netflix adaptation, offering an even broader audience the chance to savor its heartwarming charm.

I would happily explore and recommend more works by Jackie Morrow. It's an ideal entry point for those new to the graphic novel genre, particularly young adults and new adults seeking a heartwarming and cozy story. If you're in search of a feel-good, warm graphic novel, this is a great choice.

Rating: 4.25 stars


